Educational Guided Tours

Students of all ages can enjoy a full guided tour when
booking a visit.


We encourage teachers and tutors to come along for pre-visit planning. Primary Schools, International Language Schools and FE Colleges must pre-book in advance to confirm relevant topics, guided tour requirements, refreshments, dates, times, student numbers and ages.

Packed lunches may be eaten (pre-agreed so we can organise cafe closure) or enjoy delicious snacks, lunch, cream teas and handmade cakes in Bygones Station Cafe.

For Primary schools the tours can be booked for Tuesdays or Thursdays only (to enable us to provide tour guides). Payment can be made in advance or on the day of visit.

(Please note we charge for the amount confirmed at time of booking due to paying our staff)

Phone 01803 326108 or email to find out more and make your booking.

Bygones in Devon | Top ten things to do


We encourage teachers and tutors to come along for pre-visit planning. Primary Schools, International Language Schools and FE Colleges must pre-book in advance to confirm relevant topics, guided tour requirements, refreshments, dates, times, student numbers and ages.

Packed lunches may be eaten or enjoy delicious snacks, lunch, cream teas and handmade cakes in Bygones Station Cafe.

Payment should be made in advance or on the day of visit. Phone 01803 326108 or email to find out more and make your booking.

Bygones in Devon | Top ten things to do
Bygones in Devon | Top ten things to do

Education Visits

Visit Bygones

Bygones in Devon | Top ten things to do

Group Student Admission Prices

Must be pre-booked.

Primary School tours are only bookable on Tuesdays or Thursdays. We can accommodate other groups on any day of the week. Payment can be made in advance, on the day of visit or by invoiced by prior arrangement.

If your group is delayed for any reason, we cannot guarantee the guided aspect of your visit as our guides are contracted for the arranged time slot. If running late, please call us to advise.

(Please note we charge for the amount confirmed at time of booking due to paying our staff)

 Phone 01803 326108 or email to find out more and make your booking. (Minimum group size of 15)

Students 4-18 years £7.50

Bygones grants free entrance to up to 4 leaders and drivers.

Bygones in Devon | Top ten things to do

Snapshot of your Educational Visit

•A guided tour with a small group lasting approximately 1 hour

Discover the Victorian age with life sized street 

• Visit 15 Victorian shops and 9 period rooms packed full of genuine collections and finish on the top floor with walk through of the top floor military displays, 1940s-60s and sporting. 

• Dressing up for younger visitors

Then have the opportunity to explore the rest of the exhibits unguided.

Explore Bygones

Enquire about an Educational Visit